Book Review - Here's looking at Euclid

Here's looking at Euclid

Here’s looking at Euclid

By: Alex Bellos

I was late to the world of mathematics. I was going to be a rock star and a drummer at
that so who needs to know anything beyond 1, 2, 3, 4and1, 2, 3, 4and. Really, after years
of being told that some people aren’t good at it I cut my losses and left it behind. Until
I started liking all the cool stuff you could do with it like predict things and figuring
out chicks birthdays at the bar after a rock show. Fast forward to today, I do try to read
at least one good book on mathematics every year and this was, fortunately was one.
Mr. Bellos takes you on a journey through history and gives context to many common mathematical
theories we take for granted today. A very interesting read and worthy of 5 out of 5 stars.