


  • JS, JQuery
  • AngularJS
  • JQuery Mobile


  • Nodejs
  • Expressjs
  • Basic PHP
  • SQL databases

Work Flow:

  • Yoeman, Bower, Grunt
  • Git for VC

My Work:

  • Made this webapp and site for fun:
  • Currently redoing my portfolio/resume site in Node. The CMS for the site is Hexo.
  • Currently making a ERP/Inventory management system for a local greenhouse. It’s built with Node, Express, and mySQL on the back and AngularJS and Angular bootstrap on the front. I’m doing the entire project solo from the DB to the views.
  • Made I kill plants to learn how internet advertising works but it hasn’t been maintained since Amazon killed the MN referral program:
  • Modified a skel.js template to trick my wife into marrying me. The backend was php but had to disable it because people thought it was a real event.

Other Perks:

  • Frontend and backend work is equally interesting to me. I enjoy it all from making a website to designing a database.
  • I’m an android fan but like working with any mobile device.
  • I am willing to learn anything not because I have to but because I find technology and business to be very intriguing.
  • I come with a business mindset because my career up to this point has been managing a small business with 30+ employees. I’ve done everything from training to marketing to tweaking manufacturing workflow.
  • My previous job included many public speaking engagements.
  • Despite the distance, I try to get to MSP just to attend tech related meetups. I enjoy conversations with others interested in tech.
  • I had the opportunity to reboot the Saint Cloud Linux User Group which had been abandoned due to lack of leadership in 2009.
  • I’ve been blessed with the ability to be embarrassed by my code after making it public. Every time I learn something new I look back at at accomplishments and want to refactor them. Ex: ::shudder::

If I sound like a decent match for your company, let me know… or if I don’t, heck, I’d appreciate that feedback just as much.