a blog. finally.

Hello again.

I started working on building a new blog site 4 months ago and was
only able to get one up now. I guess that’s what happens when you
work 50+ hours at your day job and then pick up a freelance gig on
the side. Well, there is that and I’m trying to sell a house while attending
one wedding every weekend this summer including my own.. Whew. I have a half complete
diy blog cms that I started working on but due to the time constraints
mentioned above I ended up hijacking Hexo from git hub instead.

What is this blog about?

What you’ll find here going into the future may include tricks and tips I stumble
across while working, book reviews, and updates on my projects. Nothing too
out of the ordinary - it’s a blog - but I’m still really excited to share what I learn
with others no matter what it is, especially if it helps someone out with a project
they’re working on.